Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Welcome to my new blog!
Although I am not new to blogging by any means, this one will be a totally new experience for me. This blog has been started to share my journey as a Springfield Sanctuary apprentice and so there will be times when I am blogging about something very new to me but to which other people in the group and in the big wide world may already know so much more about! It is quite scary!
I met some of the other apprentices at the Tonic workshop on Saturday which was great. So many lovely people. It was also when Sarah told me that she would add me to the very large list of apprentices. I was thrilled because I have been interested in herbs for quite a long time, but have yet to be brave enough to make my own remedies. I have used aromatherapy, made jams, jellies and wines from hedgerow fruits and more recently soap, but not an actual tonic or tincture. Very excited indeed.
I have just received my task list for January and it seems I am going to have a very busy time ahead. Especially since I have just de-registered my youngest two again, after a year behind enemy lines!!!
So this is me, and this is where I hope to share my adventures in herbalism. The blog name comes from the workshop on Saturday when I found that I much preferred the brandy based tonics to the vinegar based *shudder* ones!

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